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Terms and Conditions

Please read our Terms and Conditions carefully before booking on to a course.

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WAGTASTIC NZ DOG TRAINING TERMS & CONDITIONS Welcome to Wagtastic NZ Dog Training. By accessing our website, browsing our website or making bookings via our website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and fully accept our terms and conditions. The following Terms and Conditions are for the interest of safety, responsibility and welfare of our clients and their dogs. We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. Any changes will take immediate effect and it is the responsibility of our clients to read these. OUR METHODS As force-free dog trainers we practise kind, fair and effective techniques avoiding the need to use physical correction of any type. Harsh handling of dogs is wholeheartedly discouraged and the use of choke chains and other coercive or punitive methods, including lead jerking, shouting or smacking, is not permitted and will only diminish your relationship with your dog. You may not use any gadget or device in our sessions that we consider aversive, such as slip leads, pinch collars, spray collars, compressed air canisters, rattle cans or water squirters, or any other device, or method, that has potential to cause injury, pain or fear. Any owner who continues to use harsh methods when asked not to, will be asked to leave and not return. You will not be entitled to a refund. COVID TIMES Please follow current government guidelines if you or a member of your family test positive for COVID-19. If you are unwell, please do NOT attend class. Respect the right for others who may be immune compromised not to be exposed to COVID-19, colds, flus and stomach bugs. GROUP CLASSES Bookings Payment is required in full at the time of booking. Confirmation of your booking will be forwarded by email. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure they arrive at the right venue and at the correct time. We limit the number of dogs in our classes to provide the appropriate trainer to dog ratio. If you have a dog that is knowingly aggressive towards other dogs, we would strongly suggest you get a full vet check or physiotherapy check prior to attending sessions with a trainer. We cannot change behaviour if pain is the underlying cause. We reserve the right to request a vet or physio check prior to working with your dog if aggression or separation anxiety are behaviours you are wishing to work on. You must not knowingly book a dog that shows aggression or nervousness onto a training course, unless it is a specific course that is intended to address these issues. We reserve the right to exclude dogs that are aggressive in class. If you do not advise us of potential problems and your dog shows aggression in class you will not be entitled to a refund. Please contact us if you are unsure whether a class is suitable for your dog and we can direct you as to the best option for you and your dog for the best outcome. If we have agreed to your dog attending but the dog is not suited to the class environment, we will offer you alternative arrangements, such as working with you on a one-to-one basis or via a Zoom group class. In case of trainer sickness, location unavailability or other unforeseen circumstances, we reserve the right to offer a replacement date for the class we were unable to offer at the arranged date. Group Class Start times Please arrive in time for each class as latecomers can be disruptive to the other dogs in class. Dogs arriving late can experience stress if barked at by the other dogs. If you are late and we are working dogs off lead, for safety reasons the doors will be locked. Please wait for a convenient moment and we will open the door for you. Dogs unfit for class Welfare and safety of all dogs is paramount to us. Dogs in an unfit state of health due to illness, disease or injury cannot be brought to class. Do not bring your dog to class if they have been in contact with an infectious disease, such as kennel cough or conjunctivitis. If you are unsure as to whether your dog is well enough to attend, please refer to your vet. If your dog is unable to attend you are encouraged to attend the class without your dog so you can maintain continuity of training. Please advise us at least a day prior to the class and we may be able to offer you one of our dogs to work with if one is available. Dogs must be adequately protected by vaccination as advised by your vet and verification may be requested (titer tests are a valid confirmation of immunity). Puppies can attend our classes from one week after their first vaccination has been administered by a vet. Puppies not having completed their vaccination programme are advised not to walk on the ground outside of the venue. Bitches in season are not permitted to attend a class. Please notify us if you consider your bitch may come into season during a course. PUPPY FUNDAMENTALS COURSE Puppy classes are for puppies 8 to 20 weeks old (at the start date of the course) unless prior arrangements have been made with Wagtastic NZ Dog Training directly. By enrolling in our puppy classes, you are confirming your puppy will be 20 weeks or less at the time of the first class. Puppies must have their first vaccination before attending puppy classes. By enrolling in our puppy class, you are confirming your pup will have their first vaccination at least one week before the first training at location. CHAOS TO CALM COURSE This course is for dogs aged 5 months old and older. By signing up to this course, you are confirming that your dog meets this age criteria. Please contact us if you are not sure whether a class is suitable for your dog. If you are unsure about the suitability of your dog in class and have not asked us to assess your dog before your attendance, you will not be refunded if your dog is unsuitable for the class you have booked. If we have agreed to your dog attending but the dog is not suited to the class environment, we will offer you alternative arrangements, such as working with you on a one-to-one basis or in a Zoom class. ONE-TO-ONE TRAINING SESSIONS Private training is one-on-one training with you, your dog and a Wagtastic NZ Dog Trainer. Training session can be scheduled online, at one of our locations, at your home, or at a suitable agreed location. Training taking place away from our venues will incur an additional travel charge based on your location as outlined on our website. One-to-one Trainings must be paid in full prior to your first appointment and all sessions must be taken within 6 months of that date. Trainings that are not part of a package will be invoiced shortly before or after your training. Fees must be paid in full 7 days after the invoice is received or by the due date stated on the invoice. For Health and Safety purposes a dog’s reactivity to other dogs or to humans must be disclosed at the time of booking. All reasonable measures need to be taken to keep Wagtastic NZ Dog Training staff and public safe. As part of your training programme, you will be provided with a unique Transformation Plan for your dog with management strategies and games-based training techniques. Our Trainers’ will make every effort to ensure you understand the management strategies and are taught the games that will help your dog. It is your responsibility as an owner to follow the Transformation Plan to ensure you get results. CANCELLATIONS From time to time Wagtasic NZ Dog Training will offer discounted prices for their courses. In such circumstances, you will not be offered a refund if you can no longer attend the discounted course. By signing up and paying for the course, you agree to these terms and conditions. When paying full price for courses, you will be offered: •a full refund if you can no longer attend with 30 days’ notice or the offer to swap your dates to alternative date for the same course. •Half price refund if 14-29 days’ notice. •No refund if under 14 days’ notice. DISCLAIMER Animal aggression can cause injury, including fatal injury, to other animals and people. Treatment for aggression is not a guarantee of success and modifying behaviour does not assure that the aggression will be successfully controlled. It remains the responsibility of the owner to ensure that their dog does no harm by taking realistic precautions. These may include, but are not limited to, keeping a dog on lead; the use of a muzzle, informing others of the dog’s aggressive tendencies, not mixing with certain types of people or other dogs, or confinement behind a barrier such as fencing or doors. Owners remain responsible for their dogs at all times and are advised they have adequate pet or household insurance cover for liability in the unlikely event of damage or injury caused by their dog to property or to a third party. It is strongly recommended that your dog is insured for third party liability with or without vet cover. CONSIDERATIONS FOR VENUE TRAININGS It is possible that the trainer will have another class or training scheduled before your session. We ask that you either wait in your car or away from the doors to the venue when arriving for your appointment so that previous clients can leave without dogs meeting. The trainer will wave you in when they are ready for your class or training to begin. If you are waiting outside at the venue we ask that you please avoid meeting the other dogs on lead to avoid mishaps. Not all dogs like to be near other dogs when restrained on lead and may react as a consequence. Please allow plenty of room for a dog to enter and exit the venue without coming in contact with each other. Do not allow dogs to play together outside the venue before a class, as this can cause excitement and a lack of attention during the session. If your dog is reactive to dogs and/or humans we ask that you please have your dog wait in your car until all other clients have left the location. The trainer will meet you at your car, text your or wave you in (agreed prior to appointment) when they are ready for you. A toilet break before each class will ensure your puppy/dog is empty and comfortable. Please be a responsible dog owner and always clean up after your dog. Please use appropriate bins to dispose of the bags if they are available, otherwise please take your poo bags home with you. Ask staff if you cannot locate these. If accidents happen inside, please pick up poos and dispose of in an outside bin, but do not attempt to clean up further yourself. Please inform staff as soon as possible as they will know the correct way of cleaning for the given surface. WHAT TO WEAR Our training involves practical handling, therefore appropriate shoes and clothing is recommended. Please wear comfortable flat shoes for safety reasons, as you will be moving about. You will be required during training to get down on the ground therefore suitable attire is recommended. WELFARE AND SAFETY Please keep to areas of the building designated only for our training purposes. All dogs must be kept under the owner’s control and on a lead, except where specifically instructed by our Trainers. You are responsible for the conduct of your dog at all times. If your dog is barking and lunging at other dogs our Trainers will direct you how to deal with the situation. If you do not respond to their instructions, our Trainers reserve the right to request you to leave the class. We aim to provide a safe and secure environment as practicably reasonable and endeavour to apply good practices with all our training services. We endeavour to run all classes in as safe and professional manner as possible. Wagtastic NZ Dog Training also takes all reasonable precautions when providing behavioural services to minimise the risk of injury from being bitten. However, dog training is not without risk and therefore participation in training and behaviour services is at the owner’s risk. Wagtastic NZ Dog Training or any of its trainers, or helpers, will not accept responsibility for any loss, injury or damage to any person, or dog attending a course, or to their property during the provision of dog training activities. All training provided will be by trainers who have been trained by Wagtastic NZ Dog Training and have been deemed by Wagtastic NZ Dog Training to have the necessary experience and skills. Owners are advised to have appropriate pet insurance cover that includes third party liability insurance. Wagtastic NZ Dog Training has public liability and relevant business insurance to run classes and provide behavioural counselling, providing adequate cover for our business liabilities. Wagtastic NZ Dog Training will not take responsibility for misinterpretation of advice. Whilst we hope you find the information and guidance given interesting, informative and useful, the contents are for general information only. We believe the contents to be true and accurate at the date of the session but can give no assurances or warranty regarding the accuracy, currency or applicability of any of the contents in relation to specific situations and particular circumstances. In addition, none of the content of the session will form any part of any contract between us or constitutes an offer by us. Specific disclaimers may apply in addition to certain content or parts of the session. CHILDREN We encourage anyone involved in the puppy’s/dog’s life to attend classes. Children are welcome to participate. However, we ask that if children attend, that they participate in the training or occupy themselves in a quiet manner. It can be incredibly challenging for puppies to listen to their owners in a group environment, even more so when children are present. So please be aware that to set your puppy up for success it may be best to leave your children at home for classes, but teach them what you have learnt in class and involve them in the training at home. You know your children best and can make that decision and we will support whatever decision you make. Children will be encouraged by our trainers to participate in the training if they attend. It is distracting to other puppies and owners attending the classes if children are playing, making noise, running/dancing around or throwing objects around in the venues. Children are encouraged to behave appropriately in the presence of unfamiliar dogs and need to be supervised at all times. For safety reasons it is advisable all children are educated in how to approach an unfamiliar dog. WEBSITE Intellectual property rights: The Wagtastic NZ Dog Training Logo remains the intellectual property of Wagtastic NZ Dog Training. It cannot be used without permission from Wagtastic NZ Dog Training. Photographs, video or any graphics from our website, cannot be used without the accompanying text or without obtaining the permission of the copyright holder. PURCHASES AND PAYMENT Wagtastic NZ Dog Training currently accept payment via PayPal on our website. We are not currently GST registered. We may change prices at any time. All payments shall be in New Zealand dollars. All courses need to be paid for in full at the time of booking to secure a place. We reserve the right to refuse any order placed through the site if we decide the course you are booked on to is not suitable for your dog’s needs. In this situation we will contact you to discuss your alternative options and will transfer you to an appropriate course to meet yours and your dog’s needs. If an appropriate course or alternative solution cannot be organised a full refund will be organised. PHOTO RELEASE We would love you to share your photos and experiences you have had on one of our courses or one-to-one sessions via our Facebook Page (@Wagtasticnzdogtraining). By engaging with our Facebook and/or Instagram page you are automatically giving permission for Wagtastic NZ Dog Training to use your photos and feedback for marketing purposes. On the rare occasion a trainer may ask to video or take photos of your puppy/dog or of your puppy/dog and yourself or family member during a session. In this situation we will ask for your written consent to use these photos or video and will inform you on what platform we intend to use it for e.g. website, Facebook page, Instagram page, etc. You release all claims against Wagtastic NZ Dog Training with respect to privacy rights, publicity rights, copyright ownership and publication, including any claim for compensation related to use of the materials.

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